Verimix ÜTS
ERP - ÜTS (Product Tracking System) Integration Software
Verimix Entegrex ÜTS Application that reads product movements in your ERP System and makes automatic notification to ÜTS System of Ministry of Health, ensures time and cost-efficiency by accelerating your company's operations.
High Performance and Speed
Verimix ÜTS that was developed by using .NET MVC, Bootstrap, HTML, CSS, JS Technologies that ensure high performance even in cases with high volumes of data. You will have access to automatic responses in the system that include follow-ups such as payment being received or purchase being sent all in a timely manner from the very beginning. You will be saving significant time while also cutting down on labor costs by utilizing our Product Tracking System and ERP integration.
Unlimited Reporting Option
All movements in Verimix ÜTS system such as receiving- giving and acceptance follow-ups, can be monitored and reported without time and amount limitations. In case of missed or faulty information in transferred data, an error message is sent to the user. Thus, while you can control your retrospective transactions, you can make assumptions for the future and you can step forward in competition with the advantage of previously determining your operation processes.
Time and Place Independent
You can access the application through all types of platforms (Smart phone, Tablet, PC, Mac) thanks to its mobile compatibility. As long as you there’s an internet connection, the application can be reached anytime from anywhere!
How does Verimix ÜTS work?
Microsoft SQL
Data transfer can be ensured with Verimix ÜTS in all ERP and WMS applications with Microsoft SQL basis.
It takes related records from ERP and WMS database and sends them to ENTEGREX Platform automatically or manually.
Verimix ÜTS
It works as a Windows service on ERP Server. It records information incoming from Entegrex on the Platform and sends it to ÜTS.
Product Tracking System
The incoming responses from ÜTS along with received error messages are recorded on Entegrex Platform. They are then sent to Entegrex and lastly to ERP/WMS.
Frequently Asked Questions
It is a project developed and provided for use by TÜBİTAK (Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) Bilgem, Ministry of Health and Turkish Medicines and Medical Devices Agency (TİTCK).
ÜTS Project ensures monitoring of all cosmetic products and medical devices produced in our country or imported, from production stage up until they are sold.
- Recording the cosmetic products and the medical devices,
- Creating substructure ensuring tracking these products,
- Making contribution to ensure patient security and public health protection,
- Ensuring healthy and efficient operation of product audits,
- Taking quick measures against hazards that can cause from the product,
- Ensuring to remove unsafe products quickly from the market and use.
To have benefit from ÜTS platform of Ministry of Health, you should register your company first at the platform and introduce your products. Afterwards, to be able to make notification to the ministry’s system, we register the digital key namely “token” belonging to your company into Verimix ÜTS program. It is easy to make transfer to ÜTS platform based on your notification type that you will choose. You can track notification made in ÜTS system through Verimix ÜTS program.
They Preferred Verimix ÜTS
ERP – ÜTS (Product Tracking System) Integration
Verimix ÜTS
Verimix ÜTS ERP Integration Software
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